Hold Me (A Blog for a Turtle Named Haji)

Nothing's gonna stop this little mover and shaker. Except tall grass.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Early to bed...Late to rise? I wish I were a turtle...

Sweet lil Haji hit the hay tonight at about 8 PM. She's an early to bed kinda girl. I guess I am starting at the end when I should be starting at the beginning:

Well, this morning Haji slept in...lucky gal. But before heading to work I turned her heat light on. Last night Miles and I added a bowl of water for her, and I guess while I was at work Miles witnessed her bathing. Apparently it was really cute...blah blah...he likes to rub it in. Yeah, I missed it, only because I was making money to support her!!! Miles is a lazy pile.

Today Miles picked me up from work and we went and bought her a much larger tub to live in. She likes it loads better then the aquarium, and I don't blame her. After setting up her new home we headed to church, followed by Chinese.

Upon arriving back at Miles' we decided...more like I, decided to let her run around while we ate. After climbing and scurrying she became tuckered out and crashed in a corner of Miles' living room. Needless to say, when Miles' retreived her she was covered in cobwebs and dust. Boys are dirty. Ick. Poor Haji. She grumbled while I cleaned her up and took her upstairs to her tub. She hasn't moved an inch.

Until next time, Haji sends her love.

We Got a Turtle

I have a new someone special in my life. No, Miles and I are still dating.

Haji. My new three-toed box turtle. She's a doll. Well, not literally a doll...she's a turtle. I mean she's a doll in the descriptive way, ie: personality and temperament. Anyways, totally off subject. Haji means "hold" in Japanese.

As soon as I can, I'll post some pics of her.

She's the new love of my life...oh yeah...and Miles...*but only cause he'll probably read this* Just between you and me: Haji is way better;)

Miles seems to think he is co-owner of Haji, but alas, he's wrong. She's mine. I have full custody, so if you go to his site, and he says he is the proud co-owner of a turtle, just know that he's lying. After all, you read it here first. He also says he is getting help for his heroin addiction...he lies.